Awesome Silly Little Idea

Of all the devious tricks I teach my clients to get themselves to eat super healthy, this one sounds pretty silly and trivial, I know, but it works: You make a nifty little list of all your healthy meals and snacks and you literally POST it in your kitchen. On the fridge, on a cabinet door, whatever.

See the thing is, when you come home from work, or wherever,
and you're tired and crabby and in a low mood,
you're a different person. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
It is a well known fact that Mr. Hyde frowns upon broccoli and its ilk.

In these low moods, we don't remember what we know and it feels like
way too much work to TRY to remember. We just think very poorly.
We're like an extra in a George Romero movie, staggering
toward the Cornflakes. But that handy little list, staring
us right in our mouthbreathing face, takes the place of thinking.
It's like a little restaurant menu in your own kitchen.
Try it. Dr. Jekyll will feel so much better in the morning.

Required Reading

Here are some excellent books to get educated and inspired about super-healthy eating. As I always say, nutritional education isn’t enough, on its own, to move you into a new lifestyle—but it HAS to be there. These are great places to start your journey. Or to refuel.

* Healthy at 100, John Robbins,
A terrific “big picture” book to start with. He tells us about 4 super-healthy cultures and reveals their secrets of extreme longevity and wellbeing.

* Eat to Live, Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
A lot of solid science supporting the power of whole foods to heal and regenerate us. (Oddly, he includes some dubious foods in his “recipes”—publishers often make authors do this, so that “average Americans” will buy the thing.)

* The Live Food Factor, Susan Schenck
The best book on raw food I’ve found so far. Packed with both the science and the how-to of the raw food way of eating. Very impressive book.

* Conscious Eating, Gabriel Cousens
A huge book, but, if you really get into this way of life, an amazing resource.

* Vibrant Health, Norman Walker
He’s an “oldy but a goody”—a pioneer GIANT in the field who has withstood the test of time. His stuff will at first come across as very dated and antiquated, not to mention a little corny, but his overall message is superb. Plus, he “walked the walk,” in no uncertain terms, dying at age 97 in a fricking SURFING accident!

* Bragg Healthy Lifestyle - Vital Living to 120!, Paul Bragg
Ditto everything I said about Walker, above (except the dying by surfing part…but wouldn’t that be weird if Bragg did, too?)

Motivation: Change your genetics

I know. I love a good, "But it's all in my genes" excuse just as much as the next guy. Or gal. Who doesn't enjoy a little good, old fashioned biological predestination along with their morning smoothie?Link
Alas, another study has come out showing that simple lifestyle changes can dramatically CHANGE our genes for the better. A measly 3 months of eating plants, exercising and stress reduction "turned off" 453 genes and "turned on" 48. Dig it:

How cool is that?

The study was done by Dr. Dean Ornish.

And if you want more and even cooler info about how your genetics do NOT predetermine ANYTHING, check this out: