Healthy Eating and the Organized Life

Many things stop people from eating clean—emotional issues, lack of a smart transition plan, lack of knowledge. But one of the common obstacles that people often overlook is simply life chaos! Many people have lifestyles that are so disorganized that there’s just no way they’re gonna successfully revolutionize their eating and make it stick.

When this is your obstacle (or one of them!), I recommend both an inner and an outer approach. The inner approach has to do with shifting your thinking, the “pace” of your thinking, and cultivating a slow, quiet mind. It also includes the usual suspects of stress reduction tactics. I’ll talk about all that in a future entry. The outer approach has to do with concrete actions to start bringing order, structure, balance and efficiency to your daily life. Sometimes it’s wise to work on this kind of stuff before transforming your diet.

Here are a couple links to sites that might give you some cool ideas and inspiration about organizing your life. Because an organized (or at least more organized) life makes transforming your eating, and all the simple habits of a rejuvenative diet, so much smoother, easier and happier.

This one is a fairly long but groovy talk by David Allen, my favorite life organizing guru.

And here’s David Allen’s official site;

And one more site with some good ideas:

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